Which of these languages have the best (free) online resources for beginners, in your experience?

Hello! This is my first post in this community and I'm writing to get some advice.

My native language is Italian and I've always loved learning foreign languages. In school, I only learned English, but then I got my Bachelor's in languages and literature with Russian as a major. Then I moved abroad and had to learn a third language from scratch. After many years of working in an unrelated field, I finally decided to try and fulfill my dream of working with languages professionally. I applied for a Master's in Translation in my home country, Italy, and recently discovered I got in.

I was excited to learn I'll be a student again. However, there's a problem: besides my main working languages (English and Russian) it turns out, the school wants me to pick a third language that I'll be learning during these 2 years. I already have a third language (Estonian), but that's not one of the options the school is offering. The options are: French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Greek. The issue is that, of these, only Greek is starting from 0 and the other courses need us to have some previous knowledge of the language. They didn't specify the level, they just said that basic knowledge is enough. To be honest, I'm not particularly passionate about anu of these, but since I have to, I'd like to choose between French, Spanish, and German, as I believe that these would be the most useful in my potential future career. I have around 1,5 months to get some basics on my own before school starts in October. I also have no budget, so I'm thinking about picking the one with the best free online resources that would give me the basic knowledge I need.

Between French, Spanish, and German, which language in your personal experience has the best (most complete, easy to navigate, fun, logically organized, etc.) online free resources for a beginner learning a language on their own?

Clearly, it's very individual, which is why I'm asking the hive mind to collect as much advice and as many experiences and resources as possible. Thank you for reading this far!

submitted by /u/MiaFeEu
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