how much is possible in 4 years?

help pleasee! I really want to become an interpreter or translator, but I only decided this earlier this year, when I became really interested in learning foreign languages (I just graduated high school, about to start uni in a month). my longterm goal is to get a masters in interpretation & translation in two foreign languages into English, my native language. so I basically have 4-5 years to get 2 languages to a level with which I can pass fluency exams to be able to enter the interpretation/translation program. I speak Spanish decently already, my level is about B2 if I had to guess (I have 520 hours on dreaming Spanish if anyone uses that haha!) and I understand most of what I hear or read. I love the language so I’m planning on minoring in Spanish and studying in Spain for some time during uni so I’m not too worried about getting my Spanish from B2 to C1 over the next 4-5 years. however, I need a second language (or at least I want one, I guess it’s not exactly necessary). the sad thing is my uni doesn’t have a lot of language options, just Spanish and French. I’m signed up to take French there, and I was going to have that as my second language for the master’s degree end goal but I honestly don’t have much interest in it and I haven’t really been following up with the summer studying I planned to do in preparation for my classes. I know its very practical for international work which is my goal and that it would be “easy”(easier) to learn because I already know Spanish and English and all that but I just am not that interested. however I’m really interested in Russian. The difference between Russian and my native language is really interesting to me and I think learning another alphabet would be so fun. It would be a way of thinking completely different from what I’m used to and well thats what interests me most about language learning. also, I love classical music and I love Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, and Shostakovich so that’s another reason why it’s interesting to me. however like I said my school doesn’t offer classes in Russian and I know it will be so much harder to get good enough at it to pass those exams than it would be with French. would it be possible to learn Russian enough in only four years to get into that masters program?? I know of summer intensive programs near me as well as study abroad programs that I could possibly do. I would try to do a few online courses as well. but I know Russian is very hard for English speakers. and I have less opportunities to speak it (I have French-speaking family and friends, none Russian). should I still just do what I want and drop my French classes or should I take the safe route with French, and try to make myself interested in that, which I am way more likely to have success in? sorry for writing an essay hahah but I would love to hear your opinion. thanksss

submitted by /u/Waste-Radio8423
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