Knowing certain languages are considered more impressive?

It may be controversial, but this thought suddenly comes into mind. Consider person A who speaks English, Chinese and Russian. and person B who speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Assume native level for all the languages. Both A and B are multilingual, but most people would be more impressed by person B than person A because 5 languages > 3 languages. However, it could be argued than person A is actually more impressive because English, Chinese and Russian are completely different languages and the latter two are generally considered 'very difficult' languages. On the other hand, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese are all Romance languages and somehow related, and they are considered slightly easier than Japanese and Russian (at least to English speakers).

This leads to the thought that, are all languages equal? A language is a language, or knowing X language should be more impressive than knowing Y language? If certain languages are to be considered more impressive, what should be the parameters? Number of speakers? Ranking on FSI? Usefulness across the world? Uniqueness?

Building on that, some multilingual combinations seem to always look more impressive than other combinations in people's eyes. For example, Europeans whose language combinations are [EN, FR, ES, IT], [EN, DE, NL, DA] or [EN, RU, UK, PL] almost always look very cool or impressive. On the other hand, an Asian who speaks English, Chinese, Japanese and another Asian language, an Indian who speaks English, Hindi and regional languages, or an African who speaks English and other local languages, do not seem as impressive to most people. Is culture the biggest reason behind that?

submitted by /u/whitewhitecloud
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