How to best learn from conversation?

I have been studying Portuguese for the last eight months, self taught. I have a friend in Brazil who I text with, I watch TV and movies in Portuguese, watch YT channels to learn, and use Duolingo and a few other flashcard apps. I talk to my friend in Brazil on the phone once or twice a week and we say a few pleasantries in Portuguese before moving into English. She was not a confident English speaker when we started talking but has gotten very good over the last eight months (she also has a tutor). We try to hold simple conversations in Portuguese, but English is her second language and she isn't a teacher, and while I'm getting better, I'm sure I sound like a small child, and run out of things to say pretty fast. Who do we structure our conversations so I can learn more, talk longer in Portuguese?

submitted by /u/SpaceApe
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
