How much time does it take to learn a third language?

I really like the FSI characterization of time to learn a second foreign language for setting expectations for what you're getting into when you start learning, comparing between languages, and to make me feel normal for taking "so long" (but really a normal amount) to get where I am, for my case in Spanish. But how long does it take to learn a third language? Is there good information on that, or people with stories to share? I imagine it is more complex because it depends on what the first 2 are instead of just 1 but there should still be some information, right? Is it 10% faster? Twice as fast? (compared to learning the second language, considering overall time put in)

In my case again, I have English and Spanish, and I'm adding Latin and Chinese. I'd like to set expectations for the Latin.

submitted by /u/indecisive_maybe
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