Gamification in Education

Hello Fabulous community 😀 !!

We are looking for volunteers to give us 10 mins of their time to give knowledge, experiences and feedback on online educational platforms 😎.

The intention is to use this feedback to help design software in game-based learning using gamification on learning content. Our mission is to make a difference in engaging and motivating our learner community,

It is very appreciated; the feedback will help our community immensely 😍 .\_z5Fw0QOSQ/viewform?usp=sf\_link

Once completed and let us know we are adding you to the list of beta testers for rewards 🤑.

#content #software #learning #community #design #education #gamification #learningthroughplay #learninganddevelopment #playtoearn #playtolearn #learntoearn #avytoken #gaas #gamebasedlearning

submitted by /u/Ronnie-ElCheikh1977
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
