Did I reach C2?

I am wondering if I have reached the C2 level in my main TL, which is German.

I have master degree in Germanic Philology, so I know grammar and related stuff really great. My vocabulary is pretty big as I know a lot of daily vocabulary and “special” vocabulary used actually only in the literature.

For 3 years I worked as customer technical support for customer from German speaking countries and it gave me a lot. I can talk about every topic the natives want to. My accent got much better thanks to this job.

I am still working with German customers and partners. I send about 1200 mails every month and have about 4 phone calls (in German of course).

I can consume almost everything in German - listening to radio, watching YT or scrolling fb.

But…I still make mistakes when speaking (mostly grammar ones but my errors don’t annoy the person I speak to and usually I can correct myself while speaking.

I miss some words or sentences that are strictly related to daily life because I have never lived in Germany and I had never have a need to learn such vocabulary but I understand it while hearing it for example on TikTok.

I also struggle when someone is speaking a dialect.

Do you think I am still on B2/C1 level or I can say that I have reached C2? Please share your thoughts.

EDIT: I have a good accent but my customers can hear I am not a native.

submitted by /u/wertykalny_124
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