We're making it really easy to watch videos in over 26 languages with English subtitles for free!

Hey everyone, we're the TranslateMom team. We are two brothers that built an app to help our mom transcribe her Mandarin Chinese YouTube videos with English subtitles. However, it quickly evolved into something that could help more people.

Our site translates and transcribes over 26 languages, providing English subtitles or multi-language transcriptions for an easy, enjoyable, and seamless learning experience. We realized, thanks to our mom and friends' feedback, that our app serves as a fantastic tool for anyone eager to learn new languages.

Here’s a demo video: TranslateMom šŸ‘µ Product Demo

Despite being super user-friendly and entirely free to use, we're continually working to improve it. We currently support a variety of languages and are committed to adding more.

You can try it for free here: https://translate.mom, and we'd love to hear your feedback in our discord!

submitted by /u/translatemom
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/eBY6vDO
via Learn Online English Speaking
