Does watching with subtitles (in the language being spoken) hurt your listening comprehension skills?

If I watch TV or movies in my foreign languages, I find that I miss too much of what is being said and I don't enjoy watching. If I watch with the subtitles on (in the foreign language, not in English), I find that I can understand virtually everything (even though the subtitles are a little different).

The question is whether reading along, while still listening and hearing the words, ultimately will increase your listening comprehension or will you just remain stagnant because you are depending on subtitles?

I sometimes even watch shows in my native language (English) with the subtitles on because the dialogue is hard to understand.

Of course, watching with subtitles is better than not watching at all, but am I making progress. Does this still help me "think" in the language?

submitted by /u/PeterJonePolyglot
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