Books for language learning

Hello, guys!

I want to start learning my target languages seriously, but I feel like I have no starting point. I want to study Italian, Korean, and Dutch and improve my English all at the same time. I really need some book recommendations for each of my target languages. I already have some knowledge in Italian, but I would really like to acquire more vocabulary and also improve my grammar knowledge. I was thinking to use "Grammatica Italiana per Tutti" for grammar, but I think I'll also need a book with exercises. Also, I need some book recommendations for Dutch grammar and English grammar. If you can help me with some book recommendations that I can find for free online, I would be more than grateful. Also, if you have any other resource recommendations for learning my target languages, they are more than welcome (maybe a YouTuber that you like, or a podcast, or anything).

Thank you!

P.S.: For Korean, I already bought a textbook and I'll use TTMIK too.

submitted by /u/goarciel09
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