Anyone have experience with immersion-based learning without grammar study?

Howdy, y’all.

So, first off, I personally don’t advocate for a largely/entirely immersion-based learning method. I wouldn’t even consider that until after reaching a solid B1/B2, but I do see some people advocate for it for an entire language learning journey.

Immersion is of course helpful, but I can’t imagine forgoing grammar study or more directed study in general entirely and doing JUST immersion.

It sounds more or less like just winging it, which is why I am not quick to believe that people actually do this and get good results.

Maybe you’re familiar with the YouTuber Matt vs Japan? I’m not like a fan of his (not that that’s bad) and also don’t study Japanese, but the guy has been trying to popularize what he calls a “mass immersion approach” to language learning. Probably forgetting some detail, but from what I remember, the approach is putting absolutely everything in your life in your TL - your phone/computer language, what media you consume, everything possible.

And yeah, I can’t imagine immersion being fruitful without knowledge of grammar being there to inform you on the language you’re consuming or producing.

I’ve heard claims from people like, “yeah I just watched tons and tons of German TV and eventually picked up,” and that sounds either impossible or something that would take like 10 years to begin to produce results.

So what do you think? Is it all BS? Are these people all just liars that actually do study grammar?

submitted by /u/ThatOneDude44444
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