A Mohawk Outlook - Word #1

Word: Aiontathniá:ranonte

Meaning: To feed someone a snake

Usage: To give someone hell, to severely criticize someone, to be aggressive in action or attitude to someone

Ahsontakwé:kon wahaterakarè:niste ne iakiatate’kèn:’a, kwah iah teiotòn:’on aonkità:’on. Sakatkétsko sok tsi ranonhwétstha ia’ktakwaríhsia’te tánon wahihniá:ranonte. Wahátkahwe ki’ tánon skén:nen thonsón:ton.

My brother was loud all night, I just wasn’t able to sleep. I got back up then went straight to his bedroom and gave him hell. He stopped and things went back being peaceful.

Does your language have something similar to meaning and usage?

submitted by /u/WestSideOf
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