Not studying your TL is actually a good idea. Look inside for proof.

Yesterday I made a post about not studying russian in order to learn it, or by studying it 15 minutes a day, and of course it was downvoted and most people made fun of it, and I want to thank all who took part. I don't blame them, because they are of course right, not studying a language will not normally lead to one learning it, unless one moves to TL country and picks it up whether he wants to or not.

But studying it 15 minutes a day is not the same as not studying it at all. It is a realistic target for most people, and each 15 minute spent learning a TL will slowly but surely lead to competency, instead of saying I want to learn 1 hour a day every day, which is not really a realistic and able to be maintained target for most people, and will most of the time be too much too soon, and might lead to fatigue and the abandonment of said TL. Beginning with small bite-sized learning sessions, can be both doable and fun long-term.

I was looking for some comprehensible input on youtube to begin my 15 minutes a day russian learning journey, and accidentally found this guy who eloquently explains this phenomenon in C1 russian, but recommends an even shorter plan, 10 minutes a day!

If you're like me, and are studying multiple languages so don't have much time, adding an additional language can be done, if you follow a reasonably easy long term plan.

Valete omnes.

submitted by /u/uanitasuanitatum
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