Memrise for Language Stacking: Russian through Italian?

I'm majoring in Italian and I've studied it for two years in university by this point. For Russian, I did NSLI-Y in Fall 2021 during high school, and during my freshman year of college studied both Russian and Italian, but I stopped Russian this last year to study Arabic and now I want to return and Russian back up.

I mostly remember the grammar and stuff, more or less, with vocabulary and output being my biggest issues. Would stacking my Russian through Italian be a good idea to help me get back into it while reinforcing what I already know from either language? And if so, would Memrise be a good application to do this? I was considering Duolingo, but I know that it isn't *great* and also they don't have Russian for Italian speakers anyway.

I would appreciate any help or other recommendations. Thx!

submitted by /u/g_sher_22
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
