Looking for assistance in helpful tips to speak a new language.

I Have ADHD & I am looking for help with learning to speak a new language I moved. I moved to a different country from an english speaking country last week to work with a community outreach organization. I moved here with minimal reading, non-existent writing and non-existent speaking in the local language. However, in just over 10 days I can see progress in my reading and writing(albeit small but strong), however I am making absolutely no progress whatsoever with speaking. I just had an hour plus conversation with my very nice supervisor, however our conversation felt like a wolf with a lamb in a small room. I felt so overwhelmed and I could feel myself getting flustered and I felt so helpless mumbling over words that I was repeating from her.

Does anyone here have experience learning new languages and what tricks or systems have you found helpful?

I should also mention that I also find it quite hard to watch shows and listen to music in the local language due to sometimes feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. (Which is crazy because I have gone from a fast paced 40 hour a week pressurized sales job to a relaxed 30 hour a week routine)

submitted by /u/gottalosethatphat
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via Learn Online English Speaking
