I passed the B2 exam in Polish! (Tips inside)

Hello guys, I just wanted to share my experience and share my impressions and some tips!

I'm 30 yo from Spain, living for 3 years in Poland and studying Polish since the first day with lessons.

I need to say that the process was not easy, if you want to do it, you need to attend formal lessons (unless if you are from an slavik country maybe).

Other tips I can give you is to listen to the ''Polski daily'' podcast from Paulina Lipiec.

Of course, if you want to succeed, the key is to be very very constant and patient.

I stay over here in case you have any questions. From my side, I believe I will continue learning it slowly but surely, preparing for such an exam was extenuating.

Have a great day guys!

submitted by /u/Fuckceda
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