As a fiction writer…

I have a dilemma. I write both original fiction and fanfiction and am very committed to honing my craft so I might one day be able to publish (and for the simple sake of the joy of being a good writer). I also really love learning languages, and I know that it takes a lot of practice in all four of the language-skill departments (i.e. reading, writing, speaking, listening) to become fluent. I had the idea to practice writing in my target languages by writing a couple of fanfics. But I am afraid that dedicating all this time to writing in different languages is going to hold me back in terms of developing and improving as a writer in English.

Can anyone here relate to this? If so, how do you strike a balance? Are my fears founded or totally irrational? Any and all (considerate) advice is welcome.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/V1PR3SS
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
