Advice on progressing in Spanish?

Hi everyone!

I’ve been in Spanish classes since pre-school (3 years old) and continued them until 16. I did one year of Spanish in university and travelled Spain and Latin America quite often. I’m also from a country where Spanish is the second-language and we are very close to South America.

I find myself quite stuck. In my adult life I’m trying to dedicate myself to Spanish study. I have textbooks, iTalki, Duolingo(lol), took an in person class, etc. I just feel like I’m not progressing. I can have a basic conversation, and I can understand most things but I feel like my brain is just a bunch of vocab and grammatical concepts but no real ways of forming meaningful conversation.

When I’m on iTalki I feel like I’m letting the teacher do most of the talking and I’m always stuck on what to say.

What should a study plan for someone like me look like? What resources do you recommend?

I think I’m probably stuck between A2 and B1 which is laughable since I was in Spanish since I was a baby.

submitted by /u/idkwhatidkwhat
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
