Why am I unable to relate to English-language music despite it being my 1st language?

My first language is English (born and raised in the US), my family and I speak it often at home. When I was younger (6-9 y/o), I used to go for Marathi language classes and I learned Hindi (it’s very similar to Marathi) by watching Indian TV shows and Bollywood movies. I also learned Spanish in middle and high school.

When I listen to Marathi, Hindi, (or any Indian language for that matter) and Spanish music, I can relate to the music and emotions so well. But when I listen to English-language music, all I hear are the lyrics and music, no matter how hard I try. So I only listen to music in the former languages. And one thing that sucks is that my actions tend to get me excluded from conversations about music and culture.

Why am I unable to relate to music in my first language, English?

submitted by /u/7of9_Unimatrix01
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