
Hallo allemaal! Hola a todos! Hi everyone!

I’m extremely torn, I can pick any language and learn it to b2 fluency for a small pay raise but a massive change in quality of life.

In 2020, I was attending an intense Dutch learning program which was cut short due to the pandemic. In one month I went from a0-a2. After this, I didn’t handle the pandemic well and stopped studying because I lost my job etc.

I’ve always spoken a little Spanish since I lived in Panama as a teen for two years. My level there is at an A2.

Anyway, I now have this opportunity. I started studying Dutch again but have found it incredibly difficult to practice with anyone since there are way less resources and also for some reason, I have no drive to study (I also have terrible inattentive ADHD, my meds are also on a shortage). I’ve debated started studying german since I was gifted all these resources and there are a lot of german friends around me.

I also have been studying Spanish to work it up to pass the proficiency test but feel like I should focus one either Dutch or Spanish and pass that test first.

In addition, one day I ultimately want to learn Hebrew to fluency since I’m Jewish.

I know it’s a lot… LOL. But what are your thoughts? I’m getting even more depressed because I can’t make up my mind.

Should I continue with Dutch, start german then Dutch, Spanish and then Dutch while starting my Hebrew journey or just Hebrew?

Halpppp šŸ˜­

submitted by /u/aleolaaa94
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
