This is what the beginning of fluency feels like TO ME

After months of practice, and months of mini panic attacks about it (social anxiety amirite 🫡), I can say I’m finally at the level of French speaking that I can truly converse on the spot with natives! My job gets a gazillion French people therefore I use them to practice with when I identify them. Usually it goes to fast for me to keep up (cue the armpit sweating and *l’esprit de l’escalier) but this week on different occasions I kept up as if I was speaking my native language! Most importantly—I didn’t revert; I was able to communicate naturally with proper grammar. No one else around us noticed it, but it was like we had a secret understanding between ourselves. Voilà, c’est si bon. 🥖

*Before anyone starts, I’ve been learning the language for years. When I say “months of practice” I mean literally the specific weekly scenarios that occur at my job which allow me to speak the language with natives. I’m not saying I’ve only been learning the language for months.

submitted by /u/These_Tea_7560
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
