Questions about reducing study time

So since July I have been studying Japanese for 2 hours a day. I also go to a Japanese class at my University and get native tutoring for 2 hour a week. The 2 hours I do a day is purely my self study and I have only fallen 30 min short maybe 3 times in total. Anyways I have been incredibly busy with school and work lately and it has left me having to study very late at night. I am considering lowering my study time from 14 hours weekly to 10 hours weekly because I’m just so exhausted with everything. However I’m scared it will greatly reduce my learning progress. I started studying in July and went from 0 Japanese knowledge to passing the JLPT N4. My reasoning for studying a lot is that I’m spending a year in Japan to study starting this coming fall, and I really want to be at least able to get by. Anyways I’m exhausted but I’m OCD about this so I’m very fearful to stop doing 14 hours a week. So i was wondering if anyone could provide any advice for me.

submitted by /u/Hedgehog0206
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
