How reliable is ChatGPT in generating example sentences to make flashcards?

How reliable is ChatGPT in generating example sentences to make flashcards?

I'm studying German with Assimil. I'm making Anki flashcards with the sentences from the dialogues. I'm also making single-word cards with a translation and an example sentence.

Out of curiosity, I've made a list of new words and asked ChatGPT to give me the translation, part of speech, and an example sentence for each word: all at once!

I'm astonished at the quality of the sentences, in the sense that they illustrate meaning so well, they usually portray the most common kind of usage, the kind of thing you would like to know how to say at an everyday conversation... The sentences are often better than the ones I could find in dictionaries (which were either incomplete chunks or very complex examples from newspaper articles).

The problem: are they reliable in terms of correctness?

I put it to test and have been making it generate example sentences in my native language (Portuguese, see picture)... I've picked particularly hard words, like homophones and grammatically tricky ones... After dozens of examples, I haven't found a single mistake! The sentences are good examples, sound natural and are better than what I would come up with... It's really surprising! I have no idea whether the quality would be the same for other languages.

ChatGPT itself warns users that it is bound to make mistakes!

So I'm not really recommending this as a tool for language learning (if you insist, do it at your own risk).

But if one day it becomes more reliable, this can definitely be an amazing tool! All you'd have to do is to take all the dozens of new words you want to study, and it can provide you with all the examples... Then you'd just have to copy and paste into flashcards.

If you know German and are curious if you can find mistakes, these are some sentences I asked it to generate. It did all in one go with the list I provided!

geehrt - Wir sind geehrte Gäste auf dieser Veranstaltung. - We are honored guests at this event.

Anzeige - Ich habe in der Zeitung eine Anzeige für ein neues Auto gesehen. - I saw an ad for a new car in the newspaper.

ledig - Sie ist ledig und hat keine Kinder. - She is single and has no children.

unabhängig - Ich möchte finanziell unabhängig sein und meinen Lebensunterhalt selbst verdienen. - I want to be financially independent and earn my own living.

reisen - Im Sommer möchte ich gerne in verschiedene Länder reisen. - In the summer, I would like to travel to different countries.

nötig - Es ist nötig, dass wir uns beeilen, um den Zug noch zu erwischen. - It's necessary that we hurry to catch the train.

auswendig - Ich kann die Gedichte von Goethe auswendig. - I know Goethe's poems by heart.

aufsagen - Die Schüler mussten das Gedicht aufsagen. - The students had to recite the poem.

sogar - Er hat sogar einen Preis gewonnen. - He even won a prize.

Sohle - Die Sohle meiner Schuhe ist abgelaufen. - The sole of my shoes is worn out.

kitzeln - Das kitzelt! - That tickles!

Gehalt - Das Gehalt in diesem Unternehmen ist sehr gut. - The salary in this company is very good.

bieten - Das Restaurant bietet eine große Auswahl an Gerichten an. - The restaurant offers a wide range of dishes.

verdienen - Er verdient viel Geld mit seinem neuen Job. - He earns a lot of money with his new job.

Stelle - Ich suche eine Stelle als Marketing Manager. - I'm looking for a position as a marketing manager.

baldig - Wir freuen uns auf eine baldige Antwort. - We look forward to a prompt reply.

Antwort - Ich habe ihm eine E-Mail geschickt, aber noch keine Antwort erhalten. - I sent him an email, but haven't received a response yet.

verbleiben - Bitte verbleiben Sie am Apparat. - Please hold the line.

freundlich - Die Verkäuferin war sehr freundlich zu mir. - The saleswoman was very friendly to me.

Gruß - Bitte richten Sie ihm meinen herzlichen Gruß aus. - Please give him my warm regards.

umsonst - Die Tickets für das Konzert waren umsonst. - The tickets for the concert were free.

wechseln - Ich muss meine Euros in Dollar wechseln. - I need to exchange my Euros into dollars.

umziehen - Sie müssen bald umziehen, da ihr Mietvertrag abläuft. - They have to move soon because their lease is expiring.

spazieren - Wir gehen gerne am Wochenende spazieren. - We like to go for a walk on weekends.

Strom - Der Strom ist in diesem Gebiet ausgefallen. - The electricity is out in this area.

Hafen - Das Kreuzfahrtschiff legte im Hafen an. - The cruise ship docked at the harbor.

beobachten - Ich konnte den Vogel beim Beobachten in seinem natürlichen Lebensraum sehen. - I could see the bird while observing it in its natural habitat.

jeder - Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung. - Every person has the right to freedom of expression.

submitted by /u/BorinPineapple
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