How do you learn new vocabulary?

My approach to learning new vocabulary is reading a lot of novels. I've been reading Crime and Punishment (I know it has some archaic words, but the grammar is terrific). So, first I read without overthinking. If I find a word that I don't know the meaning of it, first I try to understand it by the context of the chapter. If I can't, I underline the word to look for it later.

So, just the next day (my brain needs some sleep of course), I attempt to understand the meaning of it. I don't like to go straight to a dictionary (even if it is in my TL). I'm using a lot of Chat-GPT to give me some hints and more examples of this word/expression. I literally try to understand like a native (I believe). I can comprehend better the meaning of it in this way (works for me). After all this process, I have a book where I write down my phrases (I know about ANKI guys, but writing in real life is enhancing) to review them later.

Sadly, this is a tough task and takes me time. Do you have another approach? As I said before, it is slow and hard. But at the same time, sounds more familiar to me.

submitted by /u/EstimateWise5911
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