Would you pay $200/week for language coaching?

Refold has revealed the price for their 12-week coaching program.

Link here (scroll all the way down)

How much is the full program?

We personalize each coaching program to the needs of the learner. For some learners, a single 1-hour session is sufficient. Other learners require more support.

Here’s how we support learners in our full-time program:

Weekly sessions of 1-on-1 coaching with an experienced language coach to optimize your learning.

Training sessions on tools and tech, so you have the best learning workflows personalized for your life.

24/7 support from our global coaching team to make sure you never get stuck. Ever.

Hand-picked content recommendations from our team delivered to your inbox, so you can focus on learning instead of searching.

Constant accountability for the entire program to make sure you hit your goals.

Free bonus value:

Lifetime access to all refold tools.

Lifetime access to tracking systems.

Lifetime access to our alumni community.

50% off any future coaching.

Cost: $200/week for 4-12 weeks

Refold 4 - 12 Week Course = $800 - $2,400

Me? Hell no. Sad to see the direction Refold is going but I guess they are a company first.

submitted by /u/languagecheckhigh
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/dcUV1m4
via Learn Online English Speaking
