what else do i need to do for learn the language effectively?

Hey guys,

I'm currently learning german also because I'm in germany and want to be able to speak just like how i cna speak english which will come with time. But for now I'm in limbo of doubting whether I'm doing enough or not.

I don't have speaking confidence as of now because my vocabulary is very low and apart from basic conversation I'm not well versed with some more vocabulary. My activity includes Anki practice and lots of podcast listening. In a week or two I'll be starting reading a novel and writing on subreddit called writestreakgerman. My ultimate goal is to retain considerable amount of information (vocab) i can so that short term goals wise, i can atleast improve my comprehension and once i get even that base ready, I'll start speaking because I'll be having a solid base. I'm not afraid to make mistake it's just i don't feel ready and practically i haven't done well multiple times so all of the above is what i came up with.

If any of you have any insights in addition to my existing schedule that i mentioned above! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/sanark13
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