Struggling w Khmer (Beginning stages for rarer languages)

Native English speaker with some moderate success with language learning over the years, but really struggling getting off the ground in Khmer.

I'm not sure if I've just forgotten what the early stages of language learning feel like, or if I've become overly reliant on having an abundance of resources/materials to use, or if it's something else.

I learned Mandarin to the extent that I have by living in China and being constantly exposed to the language while using loads of apps/flashcards/podcasts.

As a native English speaker, Spanish was way easier to get some traction in, and I'm comfortable doing long stretches of input by reading or listening.

Khmer feels like a totally different beast and I feel like I'm grinding longer and harder on it than I ever did with Chinese or Spanish. I'm eager to get into comprehensible input, but it feels like there's a significant gap between where I am and where I need to be to start making sense of the spoken language.

Any advice for Khmer specifically or for other rarer languages with relatively fewer resources? Any guidance for getting past this weird funk where I feel like I'm not making progress?

submitted by /u/RiRiHenry
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via Learn Online English Speaking
