Prejudice against Ukranian language?

I wanted to share that a few months ago in the U.S., I met an old American woman who said that her daughter was adopting Ukranian kids. Despite being old she said she was starting to learn Russian to talk with her future granddaughters. I asked, "You don't want to learn Ukranian instead?" When she frowned, I added, "Why? Is it too obscure?"

She made an angry face and went on a strange rant about how Ukranian "is a joke" and isn't a real language. She was a stranger and I didn't want to upset the people at the people so I stopped talking to her, although I hope they recognized that she sounded like a bigot.

Would someone in Ukraine know more about what caused her to even say that? I was surprised to hear a seemingly pro-Russian perspective from an American Boomer whose daughter was adopting kids from Ukraine. But I don't think she was serious about learning a language at all at her age, and I thought maybe she just wanted an excuse to boast and to learn a little Russian. Maybe the story of her daughter adopting Ukranians was made up too.

submitted by /u/cobase2955jhk871
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