Paid language courses?

Hello! My work is offering $300 for a job development course and I have been wanting to learn the language many of my coworkers and people I work with speak for a while now (and the in nature of my work, learning a language would be considered job development).

I am someone that learns well in a classroom-esque setting with having due dates and such. I am currently in college and was looking at courses at my school and local community colleges but even with the $300 stipend, they would cost too much.

Does anyone have any recommendations for courses? I’ve used sites like Duolingo and Babbel before when I was learning German as supplements but I didn’t feel like I could learn a whole language that way. The only thing that has helped me so far to learn the language I want to learn is a easy to learn language book.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/wkdbeheidbdbbe
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
