Language Learning Exhaustion

I'm sure we're all very aware of language learning exhaustion. Spending hours and hours every week learning a language to the point where you just can't do it anymore and have to stop. You need a break. Anything else to free your mind for a bit and then get back to it later.

I noticed that I can listen to non-fiction podcasts all day long and not experience this, or at least not to the same level. If I listen to history podcasts I'm learning new things constantly but I never feel the same exhaustion I do from listening to a podcast, regardless in level, in my TL.

Why is this? Is it simply that hearing the words spoken in my native language makes my brain comfortable enough that it doesn't care that it's not absorbing every single thing it hears? Is it me thinking that even when listening to something simple I feel the need to focus on every single word?

Either way are there ways around this to make it more of a relaxing experience that doesn't cause such exhaustion?

submitted by /u/s_magaonghusa
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
