Is it worth for me to learn Japanese?

The problem is that I have 4 hours of free time every day. It's not that I can't pursue Japanese, but that I have another goal to achieve which takes 2 or 3 hours out my day. I wanna make a livelyhood out of it, but I can't study Japanese then. I'd only have an hour left for it, and no social life, which would ultimately lead to a burn out in both Japanese and my goal of building a successful business up.

I just don't have time cuz of my work.

Should I post-pone learning Japanese until success comes that may never come if I'm unlucky? Or just give up my other dream of building that business. if the Lord is kind, the business will allow me to only work 4 - 6 hours a day while also givin me a fulfillin life, no sports cars or gold chains, but something I could do for the love of it.

The problem is that I don't wanna give upon Japanese no matter what, but yeah... I think I need to focus on my business and come back later like in my late 30s or 40s to learn Japanese. If the Lord allows me to even live up to that, and not get hit by a car... It's sad, really.

submitted by /u/Competitive-Bed-2265
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