Is C1 a good level? Do you think one should be able to feel proud of it?

I am honestly not sure what my level in English is. Whenever I watch TV series or movies, I can usually understand most of what is going on, including most jokes, but there are still times where I miss something. For instance, I only learned the word, "farina" about two days ago while watching Seinfeld.

I am quite confident I am above B1, so that means I must be between B2 and C2. However, I don't feel quite confident in calling myself a C2. I feel like that level requires near impeccable proficiency, which I am unsure if I can say that about myself.

As such, I think I can say I am either a C1 or a B2 who could pull himself up to C1 with some hard work.

As such, I want to ask the following: do you think C1 could be considered a good level? Could one be proud of having reached it? Or is it a garbage level?

I am curious about your thoughts on this.

submitted by /u/araiderofthelostark
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