Getting the most out of Pimsleur’s free trial (my previous 7 days)

This week, I decided to try Pimsleur and listen to as many lessons in my TLs as possible within the 7 day trial. To start this post, I want to establish that I did this for fun and because I’m broke until Saturday. I have a job that allows me to study for just about a full 8 hours a day while working (if I have the energy), and I normally use most of it for Spanish comprehensive input, chemistry lectures, or philosophy audiobooks. I have ADHD and it is hard for me to do the tasks I do at work without something else to focus on.
This week I chose to study German and French, two languages to which my only exposure was a single preparatory listen to the respective Language Transfer courses, and whatever terms I’ve had to learn in my academic career. I decided that my goal would be listening to the first 30 lessons of each language, focusing on German before lunch and French after lunch because my exposure to Spanish made me catch on to French a bit quicker towards the end of the work day, when I would be a bit more tired.
I started last Saturday and focused a bit more on German than French at the beginning, but feel as if I’ve learned a lot over these last few days. By the end of the work day today, I’ve finished 40 German lessons and 33 French lessons, and I have a few minutes left on my free trial.
Overall, I’d review pimsleur as being pretty good for beginning to learn a language, especially when it comes to pronunciation. I haven’t learned much grammar explicitly at this point, but I don’t expect that will ever be introduced in the remaining 100 episodes or so left. I’ve tried listening to some A-level and B-level comprehensible input in the evenings throughout the week, and I feel as if large chunks of information are being understood after finishing the first level of each course. It will be a long time before I am conversational as I don’t expect to keep up this pace, but I plan on continuing with Pimsleur.
I didn’t really plan on making a post about this and I don’t think it’s really useful information for anyone, but I am proud of myself for sticking with my goal and wanted to share.

submitted by /u/concarmail
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