Flash Card App For iPhone/iPad

Here is a good flash card app for learning vocabulary if you have an iPhone/iPad. There are 28 languages available, and you can select any number of them to get the translations in all languages simultaneously. You can tap each word to hear it spoken. You can also add your own words and create your own sections (in the full version). It comes with thousands of words and default categories already prepared. There is a word grid comparing the words side by side, or a flash card section for studying words in any category you choose. I personally prefer it to Anki because you can customize the content and have multiple language translations at once. It's really good if you're working on multiple languages that have a lot of cognates that you mix up often. I am the developer though so I am biased, but it works really well for me. Take a look if you're interested.

Here is the link - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/polylingual/id1639800345, or search Polylingual on the App Store

submitted by /u/brendu3
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