Different language in uni/college from the one I've self studied

I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here or under this flair, I just don't know where else to put it. Learners of any language(s) are welcome to give their two cents on this in the comments too, not necessarily only learners of the ones I mention in this post.

I'm in my final year of high school (Europe) and today we had uni orientation day, so I went to check out info on my dream (and honestly only option) uni about some subjects I'd love to major in, which are also basically my only options at this university. One of them was koreanistics, which I've been very passionate about since I've been self studying Korean for the past two years and think I've reached a stable intermediate, which I'm very proud of. I have a few Korean friends who I regularly keep in touch with too, which greatly influences my motivation for studying.

However, today I was told that due to a lack of personnel, they only give Koreanistics as an option every two years and I'm not getting it. Thus, my only option left is Japanology; I love it and am more than willing to take it since language-wise, it was the first language I tried to self study and the first Asian language I fell in love with. I know much less JP than I do KOR, though and I'm way less confident about it. At first, I was okay with it despite the disappointment, but right now I find myself in a huge slump; I have lost motivation to keep studying Korean at all, not even motivated enough to reply to my friend's texts in the language.

I'm doing a double major, two majors at once, and I've just realized that for the next (probably) 5 years, I'll be surrounded with a language that I didn't picture at all and this'll probably change the entire trajectory of my life and how I imagined it. What's the use of studying it if it doesn't even count towards anything but some general knowledge I'll forget in a few years? (I mean, I could do TOPIK when I'm older ig, but it doesn't feel the same as getting a diploma in the language + everything surrounding it.) I feel like I spent two years of hard work for nothing. I know I could keep studying it as a hobby, but I doubt I'll be able to because my schedule will be packed and I'll probably be too tired to make notes and study for my hobby after hours of note-making and studying for school.

I know not everything in life will go my way, but I'm crushed and unsure of whether it's even worth continuing. Any advice? How do I get out of this slump? I don't want to throw away all the work I've done, but it feels useless.

TL;DR: I can't major in the language I've been self-studying for a long time and have to go with a second option I like, but am not even a tad as confident in and didn't imagine myself in, so I don't have the will to self-study anymore. How do I get out of this? All advice welcome.

submitted by /u/mashasdrives
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