testing yourself.

hello! i am learning swedish and danish. but focusing on swedish first. i cant sit down and teach myself hands on a lot of the time but i can when i find the time. so, i try my best to impliment it into my life but i dont have much time to watch movies or read and things like that, as well as i have some issues with focusing.

i was wondering on ways that you test yourself when learning a language? kind of like quizzes. for example, ive never been able to focus enough and find it difficult to remember numbers and irregulars, so a way to quiz myself after little periods of studying to allow myself to try and remember better.

this goes for anything. is there any way you tested yourself that helped you? it is how i find it easiest to learn. i know its not the most linear question, but anything helps. :) thank you

submitted by /u/omminhunder
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