How to journal in TL as a beginner?

Hello! I quit one of my jobs and have a lot more time to study Korean now (a few half hour chunks a week to ~3 hours a day). I noticed there are a lot of things I know in the context of learning materials, but I can’t pull it up quickly outside of those contexts, and I struggle to remember vocabulary. I thought keeping a simple journal every day or two would be a great way to start solidifying what I learn.

However, I’m not really sure what to write. I journal in English (native language) often, so I find myself frustrated I can’t express myself well in Korean.

Are there any good prompt lists specifically for beginner learners? (I’m not a very beginner, but there’s so much I just don’t know). I generally see it advised to avoid dictionaries and focus on memory for journaling—should I give myself a set number of words to look up maybe, just to keep it fresh?

“I drank tasty tea. I texted my younger brother. I went to work” is starting to frustrate me, but if this is the most helpful way to go about it I’ll keep doing it. I’m just not sure I’m doing it right. šŸ˜…

submitted by /u/repressedpauper
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
