how do you set language goals for advanced learning?

hiiii everyone, after years of studying spanish in school i finally started taking it seriously around february and got to a pretty proficient level (B2 or C1? honestly everywhere has different standards & i don’t feel like it’s too relevant but maybe people who’ve been successful with C2 can speak to their experience when they were at a similar level.) earlier this summer, i had a bunch of free time and knew i was going to have a date when i traveled to another country (long story & still have not have recovered from the experience HAHA) so i REALLY honed in. like went crazy. i think having something concrete to motivate me made me go into overdrive. after this, i’ve kept up practicing but it almost feels directionless. what types of goals, specifically, have you all found yourself using to successfully motivate you? i’ve done research on this sub and online but mostly found things like “hold a conversation for ten minutes” etc. etc. but i can do that, and i don’t have trouble watching tv or movies. sometimes i just lose motivation when i don’t find TV, movies, or books in spanish as interesting as the content i already have reccomended for me in english. for a little more context, the main areas i want to improve for me right now are related to speaking (accent, rhythm of speech, sounding more natural i guess). any input would be really appreciated, even goals that may not apply in my situation but worked for some of you, because i’d love to keep up the wave of motivation i have. :) thank you!!!

submitted by /u/charlibabs
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