How are youtubers able to learn that fast?

On youtube, there are some people who put in their video titles: "how i learnt french in 1 month" or "speak chinese fluently in only 6 months". Or something similar....

Is this really possible? I know there are some people who are able to speak a lot of languages but this still seems fast

Or does language learning become really easy after a certain point? For example, (germany) we need to study english from 3rd grade to 10th grade to get to b1 or b2 level. The second foreign language only takes 3 years. (B1) And in university, it is possible to reach c2 in 6 semesters (4 hours lessons each week. If one can keep up.)

People like this have 1m views. Did they study 20 languages so the 21th one becomes easy? Because the course/school speed increases so much after the first foreign language. Or is there another secret to learning french in 1 month?

submitted by /u/pikachuuu232
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