Can you spend too much time learning languages?

So I want to start learning ancient Greek and I want to incorporate something I have done to obtain many other skills. I would like to spend (around if possible) 7-10 hours a day learning ancient greek. I've done it with other skills and with all of them I have found it effective and noticed drastic skill improvements in a month and less. I was wondering if this is viable with language learning however? It seems as though if I spent hours and hours going over vocabulary and grammar and the lot trying to learn it all, I feel I'd hit a wall and would either forget a large amount of what I'd learn the next day, or just go over stuff I already would know so much to the point where time is wasted. Is doing more than let's say 3+ hours actually effective at all or would I just be wasting my time. Also spending 10 hours studying wouldn't be am issue for me I've done it many times with many other subjects and skills. I have strong discipline and work ethics I rarely get burnt out and I know when to stop.

submitted by /u/B055MAN69420
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