Drunk husband starting speaking fluent Italian

Hi everyone! I’m new to this sub! Last night after my husband had way too much to drink and was extremely sick, he started speaking and I was struggling to understand him. I even thought at first maybe he was having a stroke but then I realized he was speaking another language I believe to have been Italian. He knows a few words here and there but he was basically speaking fluently and even called me a stupid American bc he was frustrated I wasn’t understanding him. This went on for hours until he all of a sudden shook his head and spoke English. When I said oh finally… English! He said what else would I speak??? I explained and he didn’t believe me. Luckily I had recorded a few min and he’s in shock. At some point it even sounded like a little Latin mixed in. He spoke about not having a lot of time and earth coming to an end in 2046. I swear we are not weirdos and I’m not lying or exaggerating. Has anyone heard of this or experienced similar? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Fiorella0816
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