Best way to go about using a colloquial / focused on speaking course?

Currently learning an Arabic dialect, which is obviously more colloquial than some languages.

Anyway, as a result, I’m looking to focus on listening and speaking skills (obviously), and use a course that’s great, and focused on speaking / listening (think Assimil style).

So, my question is - how would you progress through this kind of textbook? In particular:

1.) Would you keep going through a lesson until you could accurately shadow it all, as well as understanding all of the vocab? Or go through a few times - enough to understand what’s being said and retain the vocab - and then move on?

2.) When moving on to new lessons, would you continue reviewing the old lessons periodically (obviously gets harder when you have say 10+ lessons), or just use an SRS review system for vocab from the old lessons and only go back if a particular bit of vocab / grammar structure needs more reinforcement?

The course itself is well structured, with each unit introducing more vocabulary and revealing more about the grammar of the dialect - it’s really good. While I’ll be focusing primarily on listening comprehension, I do want to speak the language and therefore focus on output fairly early on to ensure I can accurately speak the language and don’t internalise incorrect pronunciation.

Would you initially just focus on listening comprehension, internalising grammar and vocabulary and being able to pick out words and phrases when elided and then go back to shadow and nail the output side?

Basically, I want to complete a lesson every day or few days, but ensure I’m retaining it as I go and building on it; not racing through.

About 4 lessons in, I can remember and use (Anki production cards) everything from lesson 1 confidently, almost all of lesson 2 (a couple of terms can be interchangeable so I may recall a different term), a decent amount of lesson 3 vocab, and lesson 4 definitely needs review. Should I just play by ear on my own perception / experience with Anki for what I’m remembering and when to do another lesson?

submitted by /u/Worried-Video-550
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via Learn Online English Speaking
