Multilingual People in the World

A simple google search shows that around 40% of the world are monolingual while 60% are bilingual or higher. One definition of bilingual states "A person using or able to use two languages with equal fluency." However, it seems to me that in general, speakers of some of the most spoken languages in the world also have poor English skills or at least not good enough to be considered bilingual. For example, Spanish speaking countries in Latin America usually have low English proficiency. Online sources show that only 5% of Brazil speaks English and the percentages are similar for countries like Russia and China. Therefore, what would some of the most common bilingual combinations in the world be? Also, it seems like if you add the number of non native speakers for the top languages (languages outside the top 20 have very little non-native speakers), you get nowhere near 60% of the world population. Is this figure accurate?

edit: there was a typo

submitted by /u/Throwaway0123434
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