Hoopla Digital/Public Library

With my library card I'm able to use Hoopla which is an app for ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and music. Well now there is something called Binge Pass which you can use to access Great Courses videos. My library only permits five checkouts per month, but with a binge pass you can watch as many GC videos as you want in one week and it only uses up one checkout. I discovered a series called Learning French: A Rendezvous with French-Speaking Cultures. It includes 30 videos, each about 45 minutes long along with a textbook in PDF format. Looks like there are videos for Spanish as well. There may be some for other languages, too. Anyway, thought I would share.

submitted by /u/ave427
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/ZrJWSjU
via Learn Online English Speaking
