Critique/suggestions for my system of learning(trying to get to high a1 low a2)

I heard that you just need to absorb as much vernacular as possible when you’re just starting out no clue if that’s true or not but that is what I heard.

I’m trying to do like 50-60 new words per day that are words I would actually use rather than “the 50 most used nouns in insert language here” and then trying to construct my thoughts in Norsk(what I’m currently learning) only using English if I absolutely can’t figure out how to properly construct the thought I want to. I then look up what words I was lacking. I’ve also turned my phone to Norsk rather than English. This way I kinda have to use context clues and memory of what different stuff used to say when it was in English. Obviously I’m cramming as much information in my head as I have time to do and I realize that not even half of it will stick. I want to add in a past perfect tense in soon and this style definitely won’t be conducive for learning that. Any ideas on how to improve my learning?

submitted by /u/Picu24-alt
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
