Alphabet first? - From someone just starting Armenian

Hello out there,

I've double-checked the FAQs, so I don't think this question is already answered. Even then, the answer may be exceedingly obvious.

As someone who's been meaning to try and learn Armenian for a while, I naturally assumed the alphabet was the best place to start first. I mean, to someone like me, a native Englishman with an understanding of only the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet, it looks like a horror show.

But then I know that some people push the whole "listening" thing, advising you to understand the sounds of the language first. A lot of websites I found whilst looking for potential resources also had a lot of Latin transliteration right next to the Armenian version of the word.

What do we think? Does anyone here consider it beneficial to hear the sounds of the language first through some short-term listening, then learn the alphabet? Or would you say that it's best to just get the letter-learning over and done with?

submitted by /u/MORGOO_
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