Learning a living language can feel stupid. Aren't you learning what preschoolers are learning?

To be clear, learning living languages isn't stupid, but it feels stupid. When you think about it, you are doing what preschoolers are doing. You've learn to say "I eat an apple", but are you supposed to feel proud? Some people might, but I usually don't. I feel I've become just as smart as a kid.

Of course this is psychological. We aren't native speakers, so we shouldn't compare ourselves to native children, but still, it can feel really bad learning to say words like "eat", "drink", "run", "walk", etc.

Learning an archaic form of a language feels better, because this isn't something just everyone knows. In fact, most adults have little to no understanding of archaic forms of their native language. Acquiring specialised knowledge that distinguishes you from the average person is satisfying.

But archaic languages are useless. The ultimate dilemma.


submitted by /u/LanguageIdiot
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