Genuine question concerning those who don’t speak English but live in the States

Now before you all begin to lose it, this is NOT intended to discriminate or humiliate anyone who isn’t a native English speaker or are facing difficulties learning. I am a native English speaker currently learning Spanish. I’m temporarily working in a warehouse where majority of the workers speak Russian & little English. I’m Belizean (Black), Puerto Rican & Hawaiian, I know some of the Russian customs like hi/bye, please/thank you, hello/goodbye, I’m sorry & curse words ofcourse. Some of the guys get a kick out of me when I say “spasiba” after helping me with a task. I had a handful of Russian friends back in high school & thought it was interesting back then. I noticed that people of many ethnicities that come here & stay here a long time, SOME of them make little attempts to be fluent in English on a common level. I am NOT passing judgement on them so please do not let any impression you have of that linger. I know English is regarded as one of the most hardest languages to master. Hell, some of our words aren’t even “English” like “Rendevous” or “Résumé”. I’m genuinely asking because I wish to understand why is all. Me personally, if I plan on moving to another country, I would make it my goal to atleast learn the language to navigate everyday life.

TL:DR - Non discriminatory question on why people who migrate here make little progress or attempts to learn a foreign language in a foreign country.

PS: I love different languages & cultures. It’s amazing how something as speaking the same language could make anyone open up to you even in the slightest.

submitted by /u/BonusDramatic1244
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
