Do you think it's dumb to be glad of your English progress? Do you think it can be seen as something to be proud of?

Hey. As my flair implies, I am a native speaker of Polish. I have been learning English since I went to elementary school, although I would not start actively learning by myself until a couple of years ago, when I started immersing myself by watching films, playing video games, spending time browsing social media in English, and so on. Unfortunately, I have yet to learn any other foreign tongue, of which I am ashamed.

I'll be honest. I am glad that Polish is my native language, as I find it beautiful and am attached to it. However, I enjoy English. I believe it to be an interesting tongue with a rich history that bears Norse, French, Latin, Italian and German imprints. I appreciate how, despite being a relatively simplistic language, grammar-wise (and maybe in other aspects, too), one can still build beautiful sentences using it. Look at Tolkien, my favourite writer. I am constantly being blown by his eloquence whenever I read his works. I am also quite impressed at how native speakers are able to pronounce all those sounds without skipping a beat. I know how to pronounce English words correctly, but it gets significantly more challenging if you want to do it quickly, in a converstation.

It is my wish to one day become a C2-level speaker and to have mastered English to a level similar to that of a native speaker with a college degree. For now, I am just trying to be entertained during the journey.

However, here come my doubts. Is it dumb to be proud of your progress in English? I want to be able to feel proud of my progress with a clear conscience. I am not sure if that is not silly, though.

I mean, nowadays, everybody speaks English to a very good degree. It's getting pretty much impossible to encounter someone that does not speak fluent English.

Do you think it's silly to be proud of one's progress in English, and to be enjoying the journey of learning it? I realize my English skills are imperfect, but I am eager to rectify that. Do you think it's immature to be glad of one's progress in English, even though pretty much everybody nowadays speaks it fluently?

What do you think? I am eager to hear your thoughts.

submitted by /u/C111tla
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