Suddenly very exhausted

Hello everyone,

I thought it necessary to post here because I'm experiencing something a bit unusual. So I hope my post is not too long.

I've been on vacation from my job for about 2 weeks now, and in that time I've done pretty much nothing but relax and enjoy myself. The only thing I've done is language study. I've chosen Spanish as for years I've been what I guess you could consider receptive bilingual.

My family spoke 80% of the time spoke English at home, etc. because my grandfather was unable to speak Spanish. Naturally, I picked up on it over the years just from hearing and context, but I never needed to respond in kind, nor did they demand I speak Spanish either. Usually my family would laugh or take me less seriously, so I just ended up speaking English all the time. I didn't want to feel embarrassed.

In the two weeks I've been away from work, I've been relaxing with Pimsleur, or watching shows I've seen already in Spanish, and things are going pretty great. I always struggled with other accents in Spanish making it difficult to understand what anyone other than family was saying and I can sort of kind of get it better now. Which is nice, I'm learning a lot and able to make it through thicker accents now too.

But after a week and a half I notice I'm super tired. I'm sleeping a full 8 hours and wake up feeling like I've been hit by a truck. Am I supposed to feel this tired just comprehending? I don't feel bored or anything, and I'm enjoying myself, but halfway through 10 minutes of a lesson, or listening to a podcast and I just feel the immediate urge to take a nap. Is that normal for someone learning a language? Should I even be experiencing fatigue at all?

Any one else experience this? I'd especially be interested in your experience if you're receptive bilingual as well.

submitted by /u/learningbuttired
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via Learn Online English Speaking
